Bed Bug Control in Leeds

Are you waking up to irritating bites?
Are you noticing tiny dark spots on your bedding? If so you may be the victim of the bed bug


Are you waking up to irritating bites? Have you noticed tiny dark coloured spots on you bedding? If so you may need a Bed bug control solution. Call MJR for fast effective treatment options now.

If you’re waking up with irritating bites on a regular basis then it is a possibility that your having little blood suckers paying you a visit during the night ?? Bedbugs in our property are nothing to feel ashamed about or feel dirty as they are NOT down to poor hygiene ! We simply transport them back to our property in our clothing/luggage or buying infested second hand furniture ??
Bedbugs in leeds
Bedbugs in leeds
Bedbugs in leeds

Bed Bug hiding places

Even though their called BED-bugs, they are found in all items of furniture or behind wallpaper/skirting boards etc and as you can see that these parasites were located in the seems of the curtains !
For a thorough planned approach in eradicating these little blood feeders CALL MJR on 07799241461,
AFFORDABLE & FRIENDLY PEST CONTROL SERVICES with a 5 x ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review Rating !
Bedbugs in leeds

What we do
MJR Pest Control services vast expereince in Bed Bug control in Leeds. This helps us to provide professional and effective Bed Bug removal services. MJR Pest Control also offers solutions for other problem with a pests. MJR Pest control services are available between 8.00am and 8.00pm, from Monday to Saturday. We also provide emergency services to customers in Leeds and the surrounding areas.

Bedbugs in leeds

They don't care

Bed bus will spread quickly if not treated, rapidly infesting anything they can, even your kids toys.

Bedbugs in leeds

Bed bugs are good at hiding

Although these little critters are call bed bugs, they will live anywhere with your home, the image above is from the hinge of a kitchen cupboard.

Bedbugs in leeds

We check everywhere

Here at MJR Pest control we have developed a methodical approach to catching and exterminating this pests.


Contact MJR Pest Control now for professional, affordable pest control in Leeds.

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