Say Goodbye to Pigeon Problems: Hull Pest Control Offers Solar Panel Proofing Kits


Solar panel pigeon proofing is an important service that can help to prevent damage to your solar panels, as well as the mess and noise associated with pigeons nesting underneath them. In Hull, MJR pest control provides a discrete and efficient service for installing solar panel proofing kits to prevent pigeons from accessing the area underneath the panels.



The service involves the installation of specialized kits that make it impossible for pigeons to gain access to the area under the solar panels, which is a popular nesting spot for them. The proofing kits are designed to be discrete and blend in with the appearance of the solar panels, so they do not detract from the overall look of your property.

One of the benefits of choosing MJR pest control for your solar panel proofing needs is that they have their own access lift. This means that there is no need to hire additional scaffolding, which can save you time and money. The team at MJR is dedicated to providing a quick and efficient service to all their customers, so you can be confident that your solar panel proofing will be completed in a timely manner.


Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing Hull


If you are concerned about pigeons nesting under your solar panels in Hull, then it is important to take action to prevent damage to your panels and potential safety risks. Contacting MJR pest control for their solar panel proofing service is an effective solution to this problem. Simply call them on 07799241461 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how they can help you keep your solar panels safe and secure.